lundi 14 octobre 2013

Blog Alert for voice yahoo, Oct 13, 2013

New Posts to voice yahoo on Oct 13, 2013:

1) Three Ways to Increase Your Metabolism
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As I continue studying for my group fitness instructor certification exam, I am becoming more aware of the important role that metabolism plays in contributing to or detracting from wellness. Although there is much information about metabolism that an individual should grasp, recognizing that an increased metabolic rate can facilitate calorie burning is important for individuals interested in shedding unwanted pounds. If you are interested in accomplishing this goal, here are three ways that you can increase your metabolism:1. Stretching. As many health experts know, metabolism is the measure of the rate at which an individual's body consumes or "burns" calories. In discussing ways to boost metabolism, Peak Health Advocate notes that stretching can boost metabolism and thereby burn calories. This is an important reality to recognize for those interested in weight loss or maintenance. [...]

2) Want to Raise Your Metabolism to Lose Weight? Here's How
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As I continue preparing to become a group fitness instructor, I realize that one of the motivating factors that lead people to start exercising is a desire to lose weight. Although there are a variety of ways this goal can be accomplished, raising your metabolism can be a very effective way to make it happen. If you are interested in shedding unwanted pounds by increasing your metabolic rate, here are three great strategies you can employ to accomplish your goal:
1. Drink More Water. As many health experts know, water raises metabolism by changing your body temperature. In noting how water consumption affects metabolic rate, Maggie Spilner notes that "It may speed up metabolism by as much as 28 percent in an hour." For the best results, she encourages you to drink it cold. (In addition to drinking water to lose weight by boosting your metabolism, you should note that consuming water [...]

3) Three Fitness Facts You Should Know About
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The decision to become a certified group fitness instructor is probably one of the best I've made in my whole life. Although I have been exercising consistently for several years now, I was unaware of how complex and interesting the field is until I began studying for my exam. Here are three interesting fitness facts you should know about:1. Every Little Bit Helps. As an individual who works out 6 to 7 times per week, I'm accustomed to being very active and reaping the benefits that result from continual engagement in cardiovascular and weight training activity. However, research shows that individuals who do not exercise this much can still experience profound results from their activity. In discussing the benefits of exercise, Meredith Melnick noted a study which found that individuals who engage in even a little bit of activity-such as a 15 minute daily walk-will reap benefits from [...]

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